Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Phil Vishcher is the creator of Veggie Tales. His personal story, told by himself in the book Me Myself and Bob , spoke to my heart. I hardly ever read biographies but I am certainly glad that someone gave this book to me to read and that I took the time to read it. The first half of the book tells the story of how Veggie Tales got started. The second half of the book tells how he ended up losing 'it all'.

God used this story to remind me that my identity is found in my relationship with Him, not in my "good works". When I came to SACC in 1992 - a couple hundred people worshipped each weekend. The first decade was filled with steady growth. We were seeing over 600 people each weekend and talking about building programs and expansion. There are some wonderful people who were part of that first decade of ministry that are no longer part of what is occurring today. It tempts me to look at who is missing, where I have made mistakes, rather than who I am blessed with and what GOD is doing. I am reassured that God has NOT ABANDONED this moment! "God wants to see what is more important to you - the dream or Him." (p. 235)

Consider the lessons that emerged from Phil's story:
1) Never lose sight of the numbers. While it can just be about the numbers, they will indicate something about the degree to which people are working in sync, "not for their own success, but for the success of the idea (mission)." (p. 214)
2) Ignore the voice that says, 'You deserve it." Wat we get used to...defines what we think 'ought to' happen. The old Hymn Amazing Grace declares 'tis GRACE that brought me safe thus far and GRACE will lead me home.' I live a life 'better than I deserve'. Thank God for the 'provision of Grace' today has offered.
3) Meet needs - and find your role.
4) Know yourself.
5) Bigger is NO LONGER better. "Real impact today comes from building great relationships, not huge organizations." (p. 219) Smaller - and smarter - is better.
6) Value the work, the environment and the MISSION more than money.
7) Build a TEAM that rows the same direction. Being vague about the mission and values leads to a profoundly confused dysfunctional workplace. This is all the more reason for our Strategic Leadership Team to complete its work and make sure that there is a shared excitement about our core goals and values.
It is NOT about is about the mission and the work God 'dreams' for us to do. It has to be about Jesus

Thank you Michael for the book. Good to HEAR from God!