Thursday, August 28, 2008

Remembering My Call

I finished reading the book Carl Hanson gave to me (The Vision and The Vow by Pete Greig). Since it is part of my personal renewal during this season of Sabbatical I'd love it if you wanted to join this journey by reading it (you can read The Vision part at

I was reminded that my calling is not simply to a church or a list of duties but to a much more 'simple'. I am called to 'follow Jesus'. I know that is what Jesus wants. Intimacy with Him and Involvement in Society - following Him. As Greig says, "The Vision is Jesus! To know Him as Friend. To trust Him as Savior. To obey Him as Lord." (pp. xix-xx)

The Vow, which Greig refers to, was written in the 1700's by a man named Count Zinzendorf ( He and a small group of friends determined to live by a vow: "None live for themselves." This 'band of brothers' pledged three "Rules of Life". 1 - To be true to Christ. 2 - To be kind to people and 3 - To take the Gosple to the nations. The outcome of these CORE VALUES - marvelously lead to a remarkable season of expansion to God's kingdom.
In the work we are doing with our strategic leadership team - uniting and authentically committing to a set of Core Values that express our pursuit of Jesus opens the door for SACC to experience a powerful season of expanding the Kingdom.

Thanks Carl for the timely gift.

Pastor John

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