Friday, September 26, 2008

Making Preparations

Dallas Willard in his writings concerning "Spiritual Formation" in an individuals life describes the New Testament invitation to become disciples of Jesus with the more contemporary term, apprentice. We watch HIM...Learn from Him...and then we do what Jesus did.
As I prepare to return to my Pastoral responsibilities at SACC I am planning to share a series of messages around this idea that we are called to be apprentices of Jesus. "The Apprentice: Making Life Work" will be a six week study of the lessons Jesus shared with His disciples in the Sermon on the Mount in order that they would understand what it takes to be a reflection of Jesus.
I look forward to sharing this series with you and seeing how God reminds us of these life transforming principles. I wonder how many reading this have were prepared for a particular career that required you first be 'apprentices'? If you have been an apprentice...share what that was like. How was that experience like you imagine Jesus meant for us to be as followers of Him?

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